I have been attempting to start a blog since the spring, and yes 6 months later I do it. I would start creating a blog and then second guess myself thinking things like; know one will read it, I won't be committed, what do I actually know, and why do I even want to spend my time writing.
So 6 months passed and I avoided writing. Finally feeling confident enough to share my thoughts on food, fitness, and personal goals with the world. So here below is all about my journey so far.
Like most people they get into fitness cause they gain weight usually at the time they enter college and it was know different for me. I had always competed in figure skating, snowboarding, baseball,badminton, and rugby. Once you start college all of that stops I went from being active 7 days a week 4 hours a day to nothing. Thus the freshmen "20" happened. I then for the first time in my life went to a gym. Which I knew nothing about lifting or how to loose or maintain weight. Probably weighed about 145 which can be quite heavy for a girl who is just over 5 feet. I joined the typical abs classes and did probably a very pitiful workout. I did however make one concious choice well in school was to become a vegetarian and have been now for 10 years. My choice to become a veggie was probably due to being forced feed meet for 17 years and always made me gag.... I was pretty much the worst eater in the world. Or at least that's what my mother told me.
So I'll fast forward in time. A little after college I spent few years working aboard a cruise ship, which of course the main event was to party every night. Fun yes, real life... not so much. So I returned to shore 4 years later at the age of 23 and I believe that is when I truly became passionate about being healthy and eating healthy.
So as of a few weeks ago I turned 27 and have accomplished a few personal fitness goals I am proud of....I have completed 4 half marathons, completed 1 adventure race, became confident in training myself, and seen lots of results. I also weigh 115 pounds now and have more body strength then I have ever had. As to date I am trying to be able to do pull ups and dips as my biggest fitness challenge. I currently can pull up and dip only half my body weight. I also aspire to get my personal training and holistic nutrition in the future.
I think my path in fitness and health have been inspired by a few people that may not even know. One is my friend Andrea who provided me with many death workouts as she is a personal trainer and another was an friends blog I have been reading for ages Megan. Megan is a Pilaties instructor, and a student who has undergone two kidney transplants and motivates me to keep on going when I read her blog.
So there is my background, I don't know everything about fitness and health but I do spend a lot of time reading, researching, and eating clean so enjoy! xx