Tuesday, 23 October 2012



Does anybody love burpees? Probably not. Do you ever find yourself saying I really regret doing that workout? Definitely never. Or I wish I would of had that entire pizza instead of my smoothie. Doubtful. 

I am simply trying to focus on what is important and what foods to eat. Not to say I don't indulge, in fact I love my food. Till the end of November I am focus on elimination of processed sugars, alcohol, dairy, and meat but I am already a vegetarian. I have eliminated coffee for 2 weeks and now I am slowly introducing back in and only allowing myself one a day.  So my main reason to eat cleaner was to feel better, and know that the food I put in my body is going to benefit me. Previously to deciding to eat clean I always workout and felt really good but if you workout without a diet change your results are minimal. I was sick of having minimal results ........ I can run for a hour yet I would go eat a entire bag a chips. So I finally committed to not sabotaging my results instead I am working towards finding a little more balance and yes of course indulging in a few favs wine, nachos (daiya cheese),  and exploring new things like making brown rice pancakes. 

Though I do have some help... I have my Vita Mix. If you have not heard of a vita mix it is basically a SUPER BLENDER, it blends everything. I start my day with a green smoothie usually kale, spinach, avocado, coconut flakes, and water. 

So time to workout and I find if I record my workout I wont give up I will do it even if it takes me longer then planed.

Today I am focusing on lower body because my upper body is too sore to include so here it is ... oh yes I included Burpees 

Warmup- stairmaster 10 mins

3 x

20 squats with overhead press (15 pounds)
20 Single leg deadlifts (30 pounds)
20 lunges ( Im weak starting with 10 pounds)

10 Bench jumps
20 Hamstring curls on ball 
20 single legged squats

20 burpees 

20 more mins of cardio